Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Life Lately...

It has been a while since I have been here in this space...
I apologize for that... Kind of...
It's summer, the kids are home, the hubby is home, and life has thrown some curve balls...
At the beginning of June we lost my Aunt to cancer...
It's still so raw... 
Life will never be the same...
Our family dynamic has changed forever...
I miss her so much everyday... I can't imagine what it is like for her daughters, for my grandma, and for my Mom...
Through this I was taught to love and love hard...
To truly find the joy in everyday... In small simple things... For the chance at one more day...
The night before we laid my Aunt to rest my 14 month old daughter broke her leg going down a slide...
Totally innocent and no one's fault...
a moment of circumstance...
She is fine with it... Her cast is bright pink... She goes and does however she wants...
It doesn't slow her down, but it does us...
We're a family on the go...
 Who swims, plays in sand, goes camping, and to playgrounds...
Four weeks in a cast is a long time... For us...
There are decisions to make and cross roads staring us in the face and no arrows pointing to what direction to take... 
June has been hard for our family...
 Hard on me...
I am looking forward to July...
Life has been good to us as well...
Bike rides everyday...
The kids are learning to swim...
Since we can't go camping, we had a camp out in our back yard...It was tons of fun!
We have been to the pool A LOT (thank you g'ma and g'pa F)
We still make trucks honk on the hill...
eat LOTS of freezy pops...
and go to parks...
we have been spending time with Grandma's and Grandpa's
Helping parents and neighbors...
BMX, nature camps & skating lessons are coming up in July...
Cross Country has started...
We enjoy hot days & breezy nights...
I celebrated 8 years of marriage with the love of my life...
I know that this family will continue to weather the storm and come out on the other side just fine.  We are so blessed to have the life we do and we haven't faced a period like this for a long time and for that I am grateful...
Thank you to those of you who visit this space and as always thanks for stopping by...

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