Sunday, November 10, 2013

This Little House

This Little House...
In a few days we will be moving out of this house... A new family will move into these walls and they will make their own memories here.
This has been our home for the past eight years of our lives...
 So many memories have been made here...
This is the place where our family was made...
The home for our new born babies...
It keeps us warm in the cold winters... and cool in the summers...
Sitting in our Family room when the sun is setting and the breeze is blowing is paradise...
The stairs have been well worn from all of the late night climbs to get crying babies...
If the walls could speak...

This front porch is home to many summer days eating freezy pops and eating snacks waiting for Daddy to come home from work during the school year... Late nights with great conversation and perfect star viewing...

This driveway is where the best chalk race tracks were built and wagon rides were given...

This front yard.. Often filled with a picnic blanket and puzzles or kids looking at the clouds...

Bird Feeders in the trees and a swing set in the backyard...

This little house has been so so good to us... May it bring as much comfort and love to a new family as it has to us...

Hope you all had a great weekend.

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