Wednesday, May 1, 2013

my list...

The major reason for starting this blog was to showcase my LNC Designs page and to showcase the products I sell.  The other reason was because it is a tiny little space for me to organize my thoughts.  I have said it before, this blog is changing me... It has opened my eyes to so many other women who are at the same place as I am in their lives.  It is nice to know that there are others out there... like me...

I was inspired my a post from Casey Wiegand today.  I am inspired by her beautiful words often and so many times I read her posts and connect with her at the same point.

I feel pressure... all of the time.  I am a stay at home mom of three...  I love it.  I wouldn't venture to say that every minute is perfect, but I do think that my main purpose in this life is to raise my children and have a front row seat in their lives to watch it unfold.  Thoughts creep into my mind every now and then that leave me unsettled about my life and where I am.  What I gave up to do what I do... What I am going to do after the kids are all in school...  How I can be a better Mommy and Wife for my family... Am I giving my children what they need... Are they too sheltered in such a mainstream society?

Casey made a list of all of the things she wished she did.  One by one she accomplished them.  It got me thinking... Maybe I should make a list...

my list....

I want to visit the library more... For my kids and myself..
I want to be more patient and slow to react... to everyone..
I want to keep a kind heart and give the benefit of the doubt...
I want to be a better listener...

Have great dinner conversations...
Give Shawn more responsibility...
Give Madison more one on one time...
REALLY listen to my husband...

Start to think about my future and what I am going to work towards when the kids are in school...
Take LNC Designs to new places...
Get more followers on my blog...

I want to relish in moments that make me happiest and work through the ones that are hard with grace...
I want to continue to grow as an adult and learn as much as I can along the way...
I want to be an example for my girls... Strong, confident, healthy and kind... Self confident...

I know that this list will take time... sometimes that is all you need...

Do you have a list??? 

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